I’m a creative, experienced, multi-purpose artist and art director
who can take projects start to finish in a variety of styles.

Good designs sell –
my designs sell out!

Friday, July 6, 2018


I saw the word and thought, "but I'm not in a funk!" -- which made me wonder what a funk is in the first place while singing Play That Funky Music in my head and chair dancing, physically demonstrating that I'm in a decidedly good mood for no particular reason other than the weather is spectacularly pleasant after a blisteringly hot week.

1. noun, North American, a state of depression
2. noun, British, a coward. verb, avoid (a task or thing) out of fear 

Oh funk.  I like to write about happy things when I'm feeling happy.  I took time to wash gooseberries.  The bushes have sharp thorns and are one of my few deer-proof garden happinesses these days.  Have I mentioned one doe has twins??  Not to be confused with that other doe with a single fawn.  My only competition for these berries is from song birds, and I'm willing to share with them.

I use gooseberries in chocolate cake because then it's health food (obviously).  I put in cranberries and/or currants sometimes too.  Chocolate cake is clearly the best way to get vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants.  My latest, best cooking discovery is combining rhubarb and mulberries.  I cook it into a thick sauce to mix with plain yogurt.  The berries make it possible to drastically reduce the amount of sugar usually used with rhubarb.  I added cinnamon and ginger with just a touch of cloves.  Oh, oh, oh!!!  Mmm.

I suspect many, maybe most people don't know about these foods.  I've never seen gooseberries in the store, but I spent countless hours of my childhood laying on my back under my neighbor's bushes, carefully plucking berries off one by one and stuffing them in my mouth.  Sun warm, tart sweet, and delicious.

Perhaps I'm being a funk not to write about being in a funk?  I've been depressed.  It sucks.  I've been seriously, chronically depressed.  That sucks even more.  I found the best solution to that state of being was divorce.  It's amazing how quickly I got happy and healthy once my ex was out of my life.  This solution might not be advantageous for everyone, but I bet there are some who could benefit from it.

I've been reliving that period of time in my head recently to see what I can learn from it.  Simply, I put up with too much, waded past warning signs, allowed myself to be put down, ignored, overworked, and other unpleasantness.  I tried to resolve issues with someone who wasn't interested in resolutions.  It's no wonder I got depressed.  I was shoving every reasonable instinct and thought deep, deep underground.

I'm lax about showing works in progress so I thought I'd show a bit of my latest.  Sometimes I think showing finished pieces ignores the struggle to get there.  I found reference photos of baby food and UNICEF from the 1960s, which didn't exist the way I wanted so I pieced parts together for accuracy.  I'm not happy with where the train is so I quit working on it and will start over and repaint it -- despite putting the layout together in PhotoShop in the first place.  That stupid form in the background caused me all sorts of misery getting things to line up properly.

I'm not perfect.  I make mistakes.  I try to learn from those mistakes and persevere.  Then, I chair dance and revel in my happy days!


  1. I'm glad to hear your are not in a funk Linda! Do lots of happy dancing and eat those yummy gooseberries. Have a great weekend and keep cool! xx

  2. Thanks Jane! Wishing you a great weekend too!

  3. Oh, divorce! Yeah! I remember my wife's grandmother when she was 84, told us the happiest time in her life was after fifty. "What happened?" we asked her. "My husband shot himself!"

    1. She sounds like a character. I'm glad she found happiness :)

  4. I'm pretty sure that I've never eaten a gooseberry. I'd better get on that. I have heard that chocolate cake is a good way to enjoy healthy eggs.
    I'm glad your funky days are behind you! We all make mistakes. They make for a good education.
    You might be unhappy with the placement of your train illustration, but I like the teaser peek you've provided :).

    1. Thanks! I hate painting over things, but sometimes it just has to happen. My chocolate cake recipe doesn't have eggs. Maybe I should switch to brownies?

  5. You seem to be very human—and aware of who you are. I mean, who is perfect, even when they believe so? You mentioning gooseberries brought up all kinds of childhood memories. So yes, I know what they taste like, although I haven't eaten any in a long time. Good that you found a way out of the funk.

  6. Thanks Otto. Too bad I can't send you some gooseberries, but I'm glad I could at least stir up some memories for you :)
