A wise woman once told me, "The law doesn't guarantee
justice; it gives you a chance for justice." I was young, angry, and idealistic then. I didn't just want justice, I needed
it. I didn't get it. Others with more power, influence, and money
won despite a boxful of documented proof and a signed confession. I'll admit to some lasting bitterness.
My wise friend was right.
We only get a chance for justice.
That doesn't mean we'll get it.
OJ Simpson got off. Kobe Bryant
was hailed as a fallen hero this week despite admitting his behavior was
nonconsensual when a teenager accused him of a violent rape. Kobe paid her off like so many other
powerful men paid their rape victims to keep them silent. The reporter who dared mention this after
his sudden death was suspended.
So, even while hope springs eternal, I have a jaded view of
45's current trial in the US Senate.
Everyone knows he's guilty. He's
admitted it, his chief of staff admitted it, on and on and on. It takes a 2/3 majority to convict and it's
a foregone conclusion the Republican senators will let him off. Too many Americans don't know the facts and
don't care to learn them. I'm afraid
this criminal will not only get acquitted, but get reelected and/or tank the
economy and/or get us into more wars, not to mention setting a legal standard
which destroys the principles upon which the US was founded.
I've been through this before. As a child, I watched the Watergate hearings. Guilty, guilty, guilty -- yet the
Republicans defended the indefensible.
I couldn't believe they supported criminal behavior. When Nixon resigned, I was elated to see
some sort of justice. When Ford
pardoned him, I felt betrayed. Reagan
and Bush got off on the Iran-Contra proceedings. Clinton got off for his actions with his intern. Let's face it, perps get off all the time,
and the more money and power they've got, the more likely they'll get off even
if everyone knows they're guilty. I
feel like going to DC and yelling "For shame!" at all of them.
A pal and I bashed the Washington idiots over lunch this
week. My friend had worked up a head of
steam when our pretty, young waitress showed up with our bill. I said, "If you agree with us about the
trial it'll be good for your tip!"
She looked surprised and I felt a little abashed for putting her on the
spot -- then she launched into an impassioned, impromptu speech about how no
young person could support the president, no woman should support him. Her hand on her heart, she didn't bother to
lower her voice as she poured out her feelings in an educated lecture of the
state of things.
She looked like a heroine from another era. Get that girl a soapbox! Let's take her on tour! She is everything good and wonderful and she
did my heart a lot of good. She gives
me hope for the future no matter how messed up the current state of things
might be. (She got a healthy tip too.)
So yeah, hope springs eternal even while I expect to be
angry and disappointed by the Senate trial.
This too shall pass, yet this disappointment is motivating people. I have hope that the current Senate cowards
will be replaced in November. Maybe
we'll get another trial next year with a more just outcome?
So true sadly Linda, most of the time the ones that win are those with the most expensive legal team. The "little" people do not have a chance. The same goes with paying taxes. Good for your waitress, that must have cheered you and your friend big time! Have a great weekend xxx
ReplyDeleteAnd yet there are so many more of us "little people" to fight the way things have always been. I hope you have a great weekend too Jane!
DeleteYou writing is full of disappointment - but also hope. Yes, the rich and powerful most of the time get off the hook, as is evident now. But that young woman you write about inspires hope, in that there are still people out seeing the difference. All the better that she represents the new generation.
ReplyDeleteI don't wish to beat a dead horse, nor do I want to appear to defend Kobe Bryant's actions, but I believe that you have misquoted his official statement after the criminal trial was dismissed (not the civil suit).
ReplyDeletecombination of sad and hope...
ReplyDeletewell written essay...
It's encouraging that there are still people who care deeply about justice and speak out against wrongdoing.