The original idea was to make a birthday card for my Pisces people. I seem to have a school of fish, and one card for all seemed sensible. Sketching out a couple fish was quick and easy. Cutting them out was easy. Then I was stuck with a couple of blue fish that didn't seem to be swimming anywhere. Most of my Pisces give absolutely no credence to astrology, so I don't even know if any of my efforts will be appreciated.

I wasn't thrilled with the stripes, so I wiped out the background altogether. That really looked dull. I made some circles to represent bubbles. Copy/paste some more. I'm not going to admit how long I spent stirring all these elements together, and I really hate to admit that I like the bubble version best when it was the easiest to do.
I think I'll go back to scratchboard or watercolors or something -- except I know me. I'll probably keep banging my head on cut paper for a while. What's any of this got to do with "stir"? Well, there's the stirring of elements, but it also looks like the water is stirred by the swimming fish. Oh, okay, it's a stretch, but it's what I've been working on, and it's what I feel like posting :)

I met the owner of another gallery at the opening. He likes my work and made helpful observations and suggestions about it. I met with him yesterday, and discussed terms of showing my work at his place. I'm feeling very torn about this. Gallery #2 is at a prime location in the big city, and my costs go up as a result. Galleries want to charge a monthly fee for wall space plus a healthy commission. When you figure in art supplies, framing, and printing, I'll be lucky to get half of the selling price of a piece. Not to mention that all of the upfront expenses are on my end.

Like I said, I'm feeling torn, and would like feedback. I'm thinking of trying the new gallery for 3 months, but wonder is it worthwhile to pursue sales in galleries?
I like the bubbly fish too... and often find that the simplest solutions are the strongest :)
ReplyDeleteWishing you good sales for the 3 month try-out time.
Really like the pop of the bottom two in that they look like cut paper! Like the top one as well but different effect...which I guess is the purpose of doing more than one...I pick up on obvious stuff like that...
ReplyDeleteHi Linda,
ReplyDeleteYou have a funny way of writing. :) I love your fish and after all I think I prefer the bubbly fish too!
Nice work!
Hi Linda, you may want to check out this woman. As I understand it she also exhibits, sells prints and products online and I'm sure if you contacted her she'd have some helpful things to tell you (nice, nice person. Her blog is at http://saxtonstudio.wordpress.com/ and you can also kick over to her web site from there, where you can get contact info. Tell Patricia I mentioned your name and duck! (kidding)
ReplyDeleteWow! Gorgeous lines! I wish I knew a quarter of what you know about Photoshop! Those lucky folks better appreciate it!!
ReplyDeleteOh, I forgot to say, "Great work, as usual. I am humbled."
ReplyDeleteThese are lovely fishes- I like the bubbly background as shown in the first image. I also like the simplicity of the third, without the circle element, but with the swirls as you created. (Oh wait, did you ask for my opinion? Ha ha)! All in all, it's a lot of work so far, and of course, your friends will appreciate your efforts!
ReplyDeleteAnd good luck w/ the gallery options- you rock! I imagine just getting your art out there is half the battle! Onward and upward! :o)
Of course I appreciate opinions! I've become so snarled up in this thing I've lost all sense of perspective on it. I welcome everyone's comments, good luck wishes, and advice!
ReplyDeleteRand, thanks for the link to Patricia's site. I scrolled through her images, but will have to go back later to read her posts.
I love the one with bubbles, but they are all lovely
ReplyDeleteWell, my dear...I wish I had some wise advice for you on the subject of art (or print) sales! I have been chewing over the same piece of thought for a while now, and have simply no answers at all. No direction I come up with has a guarantee, costs money to launch and maintain (which I don't have), and none of them feel right. So for now, I am "waiting for the stream to clear," for some clear guidance or sense of where my work fits and would be appreciated! Or...for an opportunity to find me. Of course, that means I will have to stay positive while I'm waiting...
ReplyDeleteYes, you definitely fit the profile of an HSP...and you should be proud of that: it's the core of your artist self. :-)
Yummy fish...so graceful and delicate!
Love the fish.
ReplyDeleteAs far as showing art are there venues like cafes or dining establishments that hang art? Where I live I can show in these places for nothing. They love having the art and it usually hangs for a month sometimes 2. One thing about prints is that you are more apt to sell them vs originals with the economy as it is. Fortunately I live in an area that loves art, so I usually sell at least one piece at each place I hang.
The fish with the bubbles are my favourites too, because of the colouring and here the focus is on the fish only. The ornaments in the other two versions are really beautiful, but they distract a bit from the topic.
ReplyDeleteAs to an exhibition in a gallery, I only had one exhibition myself which was in our municipal library and for free. Just as Patti suggests, maybe you can find places like that in your town, so you only need to pay for the material of the exhibits. And even if you don't sell anything, at least your work will become known to a larger public, which may then result in new clients. I keep my fingers crossed for you.
Thanks everyone! I think the bubbles are winning. One of my Pisces friends suggested combining the bubbles with some of the elements of the other 2 designs. Maybe I'll have one more burst of energy for blue fish before putting this away for good.
ReplyDeleteSelling in businesses sounds like a great plan. I'm giving myself a little bit of time before making a final decision about the gallery, but I might pursue all avenues. I really appreciate everyone's input!
For me? Oh, thankyou! As a pisces person I accept your beautiful blue fish.
ReplyDeleteHappy birthday Sharon and to all the other fish out there!
ReplyDeleteMy vote is for the top one as well, and as far as the galleries: I had pretty good luck in a bank and a library for free but then I'm only just starting and not expecting to live off my sales, as I need my day job. With that attitude any sale at all seems just fine! Good luck!
ReplyDeleteI am going to be dare to be different Linda! The fish are really fab,your have given them such brilliant movement they seem alive, but my fave background is the one with the fish scales......it's just so.....well...fishy!I agree that to add the bubbles as well may be really interesting. I have no wise words re the gallery problems but I suppose even if you are paying over the odds with commision etc if the gallery is prominent and well known you will get some leads/exposure to new customers??
ReplyDeleteHave I caused a stir within your stir...!!
Have a good weekend,
Jane x
Fantastic! Awesome work, Linda!
ReplyDeleteHeisann Linda!
ReplyDeleteI fancy the fish scale pattern in the background most...reminds me of Moorish style that I like.
Concerning the new gallery - give it a chance, next time you can have a higher price for your art, may be???
Wowie! Your fish are gorgeous with those flowy and graceful fins. The varying shades give them beautiful depth. Everything you do has the mark of excellence on it. They are all incredible, but my personal favorite is the one with the circle of scales. It looks like a mandala, and the pale coloring of the fish make them look spiritual or celestial. Plus, the highly detailed background make the "simple" fish pop out by comparison.
ReplyDeleteGlad to hear the exhibit went well, even though people tended to keep their pursestrings drawn. I wish I had some sage advice to give regarding galleries, but I don't. :(
Lovely designs. My fave is number two for the lighting and patterns. The fish really pop out at you too.
ReplyDeleteWonderful images, and I love reading about your process. As for your gallery dilemma: I've been there. It's so hard. When I had my first big show, nearly everything sold out. My next show happened afer 9/11 when the economy tanked the first time--and, while everyone was enthusiastic, only a few pieces sold. It was pretty disappointing. I think all you can do is follow your instincts and hang in there. Your work is beautiful and will stand the test of time!
ReplyDeleteThanks for all the comments everybody! Who knows how it will all work out with the studio, but the one sure way to know it won't bring any money is not to try, right? At least that's the general trend of my thoughts at the moment. I'm fighting the urge to merge fish scales and bubbles. I hope everyone has been having a wonderful weekend!
ReplyDeleteOops! Gallery, not studio. Maybe that was a Freudian slip of wishful thinking?
ReplyDeleteWow, they are all so great and we appreciate the way your share your thoughts. My favorite is the piece listed first with the bubbles. You have such a nice talent.
ReplyDeleteThanks Cindy!
ReplyDeleteHey Linda! Sometimes the easiest or simplest way is the best... but we try to make it harder ;o) With that said... I’m in agreement with you and 99% of the pack.. The bubbles! Those fish are fantastic! Love the angle and design... You are an amazing talent Linda! You writing is almost as fun as your illustrations! Love stopping by. I don’t know much about galleries... but don’t be disappointed by the lack of sales... sometimes an event like that pays off later. :o) I’m off to Mew Mexico on vacation in a bit, but wanted to stop by before I left. God bless and have a great week!
ReplyDeleteI hope you have a great trip Jack! Thanks for the nice words. I have to admit that sometimes I enjoy the writing as much as the art. I'm glad you like to read it.
ReplyDeleteI wish I still have the patience to calculate, rotate and then repeat your process. I guess we are the same when it comes to working in Photoshop. I think illustrator has a shortcut for that, or maybe it was autocad.hehe
ReplyDeleteAnyway, all designs are lovely and I like the one with the circular scales the most.:)
I hope someday you will not have to worry about galleries. Your work is incredibly varied. Some artists are really great at doing one thing and that's it. You've seen one and you have seen them all. Your work is always new, fresh and refreshing. Good luck, Linda!
ReplyDeleteHi Linda, Another vote for the bubbles...they just seem so natural and give it depth, at least to me!
ReplyDeleteHeck, I'm afraid I can't offer up much advice on the gallery dilemma, I'm having a hard enough time picking my favorite pisces!
ReplyDeleteBut I'll go with the bubbles, although the circular scales are nice too...!
I wasn't even trying to pick my favorite Pisces! Hmm... no, it's not fair, won't do it. Thanks everybody!
ReplyDeleteThanks for the follow cywatkins!!!
ReplyDeleteI love the fishies, and I agree with what some others have said before me: the first version is the best for me. The simplicity of the background makes the fish stand out the best and that's what they deserve ;)
ReplyDeleteHi Linda, These fish are so lovely i like them on their own against the white ground. But i also love the fish scale pattern itself too:)
ReplyDeleteThanks Priscilla and Amanda!
ReplyDeleteHey Linda well I'm plugging for the one with the scale background, are the fish negative? That looks cool, very escher actually, but anything with fish is bound to be :)
ReplyDeleteOh charging you hanging space? Ugh. Yes we have a gallery here that does the same thing. I won't hang in her gallery. I'd rather give my paintings away to good homes.
If the gallery owner knows their stuff they shouldn't have to charge you for space.
If you pay money to be hung then a) you are sharing the risks but they make money b) it is to their advantage to tell you lies about your work to get you to pay them money c) it is sometimes to their advantage not to sell your work and keep it hanging
of course your work is very good and I'm sure this is not the case
(anecdote: a few years ago I had a letter from an agent in the states. Yipppee! They wanted to represent me for one of my novels! Yoohoo! I got so excited I cried (just like I did when I read your post about your friend - but that was from sadness)
Then I read the fine print. They would represent me for the small fee 0f $400 a month. I could get out of the contract at any time. all I had to do to get out of the contract was give them three months notice
Heh. Wish I'd kept the letter so I could put it on my blog.
Just saying beware.
let us know what you decide
Good points Andrew. The events of the week have taken my attention away from the thoughts about the gallery, but I will need to make some decisions soon. I've seen things like the agent before too. Or people paying to have their work published. Or, or, or... there's a thousand or maybe a million ways to rip off creative people. But still, sometimes creatives find ways to make money too. I don't see any joy in being a "starving artist".
ReplyDeleteBrilliant concept and design! The use of patterns is interesting but I like the A-symetry of the bubbles.
ReplyDeleteI like the fish very much. Thanks for your comments.
ReplyDeleteThanks Theo and Ivan!